Mid-Atlantic EJSCREEN Tool

Environmental Justice Indicators are divided into five domains:

(1) Environmental Exposure

(2) Environmental Effects

(3) Climate

(4) Health

(5) Socioeconomic factors.

The Mid-Atlantic Environmental Justice Screening (Mid-Atlantic EJSCREEN) tool is a regional-level mapping tool adapted to visualize the socioeconomic context and environmental justice concerns of populations in the Mid-Atlantic region.

Environmental and climate hazards in the Mid-Atlantic region have been found to have significant health effects and contribute to health inequities. The Mid-Atlantic EJSCREEN is an Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping (EJSM) tool based on Maryland EJSCREEN, CalEnviroScreen, and the US EPA EJSCREEN. The tool enables users to interact with map layers at the census tract level that display an array of pollution burden indicators and population characteristics.

A composite EJ Score allows users to rank census tracts based on their relative level of environmental justice concern. The tool will allow users to better identify, select, and micro-target communities with environmental justice issues. With statistical visualizations available, it provides an opportunity for anyone to investigate the impact of environmental and climate injustice and track policy interventions.