Maryland EJSCREEN 3.2
The Maryland Environmental Justice Screening (MD EJSCREEN) tool is a state-level mapping tool that can be used to visualize environmental justice concerns.
It was built in 2016 through a collaboration between the National Center for Smart Growth and the faculty at the University of Maryland School of Public Health. MD EJSCREEN is an environmental justice screening and mapping (EJSM) tool modeled off of CalEnviroScreen and the US EPA EJSCREEN.
Version 1.0 was built based on feedback from community members and stakeholders to create a resource for identifying social, economic, health, and environmental disparities, particularly between racial/ethnic groups.
The newest version of the tool, 3.2, has five domains, including a new climate change domain, an updated health domain, and a revised sociodemographic domain with more segregation and racism-related indicators. The tool also has new functions, including a report builder and a new visualization showing EJ issues in rural Maryland, and it is mobile compatible. The revised tool will allow users to better identify, prioritize, and micro-target communities with environmental justice issues. It also creates visualizations to demonstrate the cumulative impacts associated with environmental and climate injustice and the implementation of the Justice40 initiative in the state of Maryland.